The History of Kappa Sigma from Origins to Delta Mu
Kappa Sigma Fraternity tradition holds that it evolved from an ancient order said to have been founded at the University of Bologna in the Middle Ages between 1395 and 1400. Baldassare Cossa, took advantage of the students at Bologna, one of Europe's preeminent universities which attracted students from all over the continent, by sending his men to assault and rob them; this motivated one of the university's scholars Manuel Chrysoloras to found a secret society of students beginning with five of his most devoted disciples, for mutual protection against Baldassare Cossa.
American up-bringing
Modern day Kappa Sigma was founded one chilly evening on December 10 1869, as five students attending The University of Virginia in Charlottesville gathered in the room of William Grigsby McCormick, at 46 East Lawn, and planted the seed of Brotherhood. For many weeks the bonds of friendship had drawn these five together; now the need became clear for a formal structure to contain their feelings. Thus, not only did the Founders formalize their friendship, but they also created a fraternity steeped in the traditions of the past and dedicated to the Pursuit of Learning. The new brothers recorded their bond in a Constitution and in an Oath that set forth the ideals and principles to all Kappa Sigmas today.
Delta Mu Founding
Founded in 1926, but originally Kappa Psi Beta
Among these was Kappa Psi Beta, which later became the Delta Mu chapter of Kappa Sigma.
Kappa Psi Beta, however, was not the first group at UND to petition the Supreme Executive Committee for a membership charter, which would formally recognize them as a chapter of Kappa Sigma. The first efforts were made in 1905 by a mixed group of university students and men from the community. At present, it is not really clear if this group later evolved into Kappa Psi Beta. Not very much is known of who these people were or how active they were on campus or in the community. What little that is known comes from copies of correspondence with members of the SEC or Kappa Sigma Alumni. Kappa Sigma had 70 active chapters in 1905 and the SEC had before it petitions from Iowa State College, Harvard, Dartmouth, New York University, University of Idaho, and UND. The SEC at the time was not favorably inclined towards UND. Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies J.S. Fergusons opinion was I am in receipt of a catalogue of UND and I must say I am not overmuch impressed. This was in June of 1907 and there were less than 200 students available for fraternity purposes. The petitioning group had a different view of the matter as expressed by W.C. Husband, Still, we have a good working bunch of boys, in a letter to Charles Brewer, a Kappa Sigma alumnus who aided the group in trying to get its charter. The house of James Bosard, law partner of W.C. Husband, was used for meetings with the intention of eventually buying the house. They were also very anxious for the Kappa Sigma chapters in the district to help them organize and put in a good word for their petition. By October of 1907 the group members felt that there was an unaccountable delay in granting them a charter. The petition was rejected on the grounds that there wasn't enough information to vote intelligently. To this was given the reply, We have decided to have a charter of Kappa Sigma if we can get it. I don't think you will ever have cause to regret placing a chapter at our school. It will be the first on here and in a few years will have great influence.
Kappa Psi Beta was established in 1920 with the help of professor Raymond Hitchcock, Chairman of Student Affairs. The colors of Kappa Psi Beta were purple and silver. There were eleven members at the start and in its years of existence Kappa Psi Beta competed successfully with the national fraternities in rush and sports. It also was well represented in a majority of other school activities. Within a short time after organization, Kappa Psi Beta owned its own house, currently known as the Canterbury House, and had a fund established to build its future home, the original Kappa Sigma house at 2510.